Sunday, December 24, 2006
என் செய்யும் என் உடலை...
வறுமையும் அழகும்
வளமும் அழுக்கும் காரணங்களாம் கற்பளிப்பு...
சமுதாயம் எனக்களித்தஅன்பளிப்பு!
வேசியாக்கி விட்டார்கள்
இருள் மாய்ந்த உலகம்
ஒழுங்கீனம் இங்கு தர்மம்!
அழகு சந்தைப் பொருள்
அளவில்லா கொடுமைகள்!
உடல் சுவைக்கும் சமுதாயமே…
என் மனச்சுமைக்கு?
வதைகள் புதைக்கப்படும் நடவடிக்கை…
உதைகள் பெரும்பாலும் வாடிக்கை!
நரகம் என்றாலும் நான் நகைத்திருப்பேன்
காதுகள் கேளாவார்த்தைகளால்
காகிதமாக என்னை கசக்கி விடும்…
ஒதுங்க நினைத்து ஓட முற்பட
கண்ட சுகம் காண சமுதாயம்
எனக்களித்த தலைப்பு…"பெரிய கண்ணகி இவ"
உடல் காயம் காயும்
மன ரணம் மரணம்
என் இனிய சமுதாயமே!
ஓர் இனிய என் கொலை
பின் என் செய்யும்
என் உடலை!
Your Body Consists of five aspects, Physical, Mental, Moral,Intellectual& Spiritual...the total development of all these aspects... (Physically - Strong) (Mentally - Balanced) (Morally - Sound) (Intellectually - Sharp) (Spiritually - Advanced) is what called the Real Personality.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Permission granted.
Whose permission are you looking for, anyway?
What if the other person gives you permission?
What difference does it make?
Permission is what the people in control demand of riskers.
The people whose permission you are seeking want you to ask for permission because their approval is the only thing they have to give.
People, who have lost the drive for individual achievement, but still want power, withhold approval the most. They are hardest to convince, and they believe in the old ways and theories long after they have been shown to be false.
The people who need permission the most are people who don’t trust themselves.
Just for the record: if permission were needed, there would have been
No innovation in art,
No discovery in science,
No social advancement, and
No justice.
The innovator and creator are always denigrated for breaking free.
Live your life and take the risks that you need to take to get where you need to go.
Don’t expect other people to understand or approve.
When you go out on your own, others will be more concerned about the rules you broke than the excellence of what you accomplished.
Permission granted.
I believe in my goodness. I trust my intentions. I follow the bidding of my heart.
Whose permission are you looking for, anyway?
What if the other person gives you permission?
What difference does it make?
Permission is what the people in control demand of riskers.
The people whose permission you are seeking want you to ask for permission because their approval is the only thing they have to give.
People, who have lost the drive for individual achievement, but still want power, withhold approval the most. They are hardest to convince, and they believe in the old ways and theories long after they have been shown to be false.
The people who need permission the most are people who don’t trust themselves.
Just for the record: if permission were needed, there would have been
No innovation in art,
No discovery in science,
No social advancement, and
No justice.
The innovator and creator are always denigrated for breaking free.
Live your life and take the risks that you need to take to get where you need to go.
Don’t expect other people to understand or approve.
When you go out on your own, others will be more concerned about the rules you broke than the excellence of what you accomplished.
Permission granted.
I believe in my goodness. I trust my intentions. I follow the bidding of my heart.
Monday, January 28, 2008
Work More
In everything we make, create and produce there is an invisible ingredient, and this invisible ingredient makes the difference between the better
and the best, the ordinary and the extraordinary, the good and the excellent. The invisible ingredient is devotion. Any work can become a
prayer if performed with the sacredness of devotion. If you had all the money in the world, would you still be doing the same work that you are
doing right now? If your answer is 'Yes', then you are pursuing the right work. Else, kick the work that does not give you a kick. Find work that
gives you inner expression and you will find happiness in it. Make the world recognise this inner expression of yours and you will find success
through it. Be grateful to the work you do and you will move closer to god with it. Let the effects of the work you do be the signature you leave
behind in this world.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Here are some nice quotes from M.K Gandhi
“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.”
“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”
“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”
“The Roots of Violence: Wealth without work, Pleasure without conscience, Knowledge without character, Commerce without morality, Science without humanity, Worship without sacrifice, Politics without principles”
“The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world’s problems”
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”
“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.”
“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”
“An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.”
“The Roots of Violence: Wealth without work, Pleasure without conscience, Knowledge without character, Commerce without morality, Science without humanity, Worship without sacrifice, Politics without principles”
“The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world’s problems”
“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated”
“One great cause of the failure of people in business,’’ said ravishankarji, is the lack of concentration.” Most people who become great confine their powers to one particular channel. It is not a matter of doing many things indifferently, but of doing one thing supremely well. The great difference between those who succeed and those who fail does not consist in the amount of work done by each, but in the amount of intelligent work. Concentrate your powers upon one unwavering aim, one absorbing purpose. Whatever you are engaged in, you are, in the words of GoD, to be “all there.” Think for it, plan for it, work for it, live for it, throw your mind, might, strength, heart, and soul into it-and success will crown you.
Make it a life rule to give your best to whatever passes through your hands.
Let superiority be your trademark let it characterize everything you touch. This is what every employer is looking for. The majority of people do not see that the steps which lead to the position above them are constructed, little by little, by the faithful performance of the common, humble, everyday duties of the position they are now filling. Good work is the best substitute for genius, it is better capital than cash, and it is better promoter than friends.
Most people think, because their occupations in life are humble, because they occupy no place of special importance, no office of distinction that they are of very little account. You should look upon your calling, however humble, with the same sense of pride as you would if you were occupying a position of great distinction. Why not? Your place in life, your vocation, is out just as much consequence to you as that of the president of the country is to him or her. Nobility is the child of Superior Quality.
Resolve that your life’s work shall be a masterpiece. No matter whether it marketing, farming, lawmaking, let it be a masterpiece. Thoroughness is at the foundation of all success – your own inner success in character building, and your outward success in the world of progress.
“One great cause of the failure of people in business,’’ said ravishankarji, is the lack of concentration.” Most people who become great confine their powers to one particular channel. It is not a matter of doing many things indifferently, but of doing one thing supremely well. The great difference between those who succeed and those who fail does not consist in the amount of work done by each, but in the amount of intelligent work. Concentrate your powers upon one unwavering aim, one absorbing purpose. Whatever you are engaged in, you are, in the words of GoD, to be “all there.” Think for it, plan for it, work for it, live for it, throw your mind, might, strength, heart, and soul into it-and success will crown you.
Make it a life rule to give your best to whatever passes through your hands.
Let superiority be your trademark let it characterize everything you touch. This is what every employer is looking for. The majority of people do not see that the steps which lead to the position above them are constructed, little by little, by the faithful performance of the common, humble, everyday duties of the position they are now filling. Good work is the best substitute for genius, it is better capital than cash, and it is better promoter than friends.
Most people think, because their occupations in life are humble, because they occupy no place of special importance, no office of distinction that they are of very little account. You should look upon your calling, however humble, with the same sense of pride as you would if you were occupying a position of great distinction. Why not? Your place in life, your vocation, is out just as much consequence to you as that of the president of the country is to him or her. Nobility is the child of Superior Quality.
Resolve that your life’s work shall be a masterpiece. No matter whether it marketing, farming, lawmaking, let it be a masterpiece. Thoroughness is at the foundation of all success – your own inner success in character building, and your outward success in the world of progress.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Think about
Perhaps most importantly in today's information age, thinking skills are viewed as crucial for educated persons to cope with a rapidly changing world. Many educators believe that specific knowledge will not be as important to tomorrow's workers and citizens as the ability to learn and make sense of new information
Thinking skills. Critical thinking. Creative thinking. Higher-order thinking. Those who take an interest in this field of study soon realize that they cannot go tossing off these terms in a casual manner, since there are no universal agreements as to their precise meanings
So Think about it.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
If you are happy in life right now, it's not because everything about your life is necessarily going right, but because a relationship that really matters to you the most is going great. If you are unhappy in life right now, it's not because everything about your life is going wrong, but because a relationship that really matters to you the most is not going great.
Relationships are like seeds. They have to be nurtured and developed. Expectations are like weeds. They grow on their own accord. When enough investment goes into building a relationship, the expectations in that relationship can be managed. When a relationship is left un-nurtured, then the expectations in that relationship shake the very roots of the
Our problem is growing expectations in stagnant relationships.
Let us use the metaphor of a savings bank account. Deposits build the reserves in an account from which we can withdraw - but we can withdraw only to the extent we have built the reserves. Similarly, withdrawals in a relationship are possible only to the extent we have made deposits in that relationship.
Let us use the metaphor of a savings bank account. Deposits build the reserves in an account from which we can withdraw - but we can withdraw only to the extent we have built the reserves. Similarly, withdrawals in a relationship are possible only to the extent we have made deposits in that relationship.
In a relationship where there is substantial emotional reserve, mistakes will be tolerated and forgiven, the meaning will be understood even when communication is inadequate, and your intentions will be appreciated even if you fall a little short in your actions. In all, the relationship will be good because you are considered good. And you are considered good because of the deposits you have made to build the emotional reserves in that relationship. However, there are some relationships which are taken for granted; the permanence of the relationships is assumed, and nothing is done to nurture the relationships.
There is continuity of rising expectations, but there is no continuity in making the investments needed to build the relationship. The emotional reserves are overdrawn. In such a scenario, you will be held an offender for every word you speak; every move of yours will be judged; verbal battles and slammed doors become daily occurrences; neither will your actions be appreciated, nor will your intentions be respected. Such a relationship is like walking on a minefield - it blows up any time and many times.
The solution is simpler than simple. Deposits, more deposits and much more deposits. No active relationship can be free from withdrawal, but we can always make enough deposits. That on which you invest time grows. Relationships have to be nurtured with the investment of quality time. Take time to listen and to understand. As often as possible, communicate to be understood.
Make your love visible by being expressive and demonstrative. Seek to give, but also be graceful in receiving. Abusing the gift is abusing the giver. Receiving is one way of showing your respect for the giver, and it is a huge deposit. Building great relationships is an art; so get artistic. Deposit by deposit, paint a great relationship and thus earn your happiness in life.
Mythology shows that even gods had problems with relationships. Here is an opportunity to be one up on god.
Even before she could learn to possess, she was asked to share. When she was barely five, she was asked to sacrifice for the sake of her brother who was just two. She was still a kid, but her parents expected her to play the role of a responsible older sister. Thirty years later, she has a family of her own; so does her brother.
She still feels responsible for her younger brother. She still advices him… interferes whenever there are ripples in her brother's marriage… advices her brother's wife on what to feed the child, and how to parent the child. She is still making sacrifices, but what is she getting in return? Heartaches, sleepless nights and copious tears over being treated with indifference. Why? Her brother is old enough to make his own decisions.
Even if some of his decisions go wrong, he feels he has the right to those mistakes; he feels they are his learning grounds. The sister-in-law sees her as unwarranted interference in her marriage. She believes she should parent her children the way she wants and detests the very idea of others interfering under the guise of being older to her. From the first word uttered to the first word written to the first steps he walked… the father played an active part in it. For the son, his dad was always a superman, a hero and the only role model he wanted to emulate. Even the son's career counselling was done by Dad. The son went on to become a first-generation entrepreneur and again it was his dad who guided him. Today, the son is a celebrated industrialist.
Even today, the Dad waits up every evening to know what happened at work; but the son feels claustrophobic. He feels that his dad should give him more space. Dad is going through spells of depression because he's not getting the same attention he used to from his son. Dad feels that he's not needed anymore. The effect of this is showing up on Dad's health - he is beginning to age a little faster. You can always be a sister, but you cannot always play the sister. You will always be loved as a parent, but you cannot always play the parent. Functionally, you may still be his boss; but you cannot play the boss all the time.
A three-year-old expects to be respected in a certain way and the three-year-old needs to be respected that way. At three, my daughter hates us selecting the clothes she has to wear. Not giving her the choice is interpreted by her as not being respected. At ten, my son wants to read the menu card by himself and place the order. That to him is being respected. As a teenager, she wants to choose her friends; and her parents respecting her friends is her sense of being respected. Now that he has worked with you for a few years, he wants to take a few decisions all by himself, and you not overriding his decisions is his sense of being respected.
Every age and every phase of life has some sense of respect associated with it, and you need to respect that. Though the intentions may be noble, sometimes our attempt to guide people, especially unasked for, makes them feel not respected.
The need to be respected is far greater than the need to be guided. Make others feel respected… let this be your choice.
They will take your guidance… let this be their choice.
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