“Receptive” implies being open to ideas and suggestions.
I know a person who is one of the most receptive individuals I’ve ever had the privilege of knowing. He was a business leader who was willing to listen to everyone – and who would frequently take the advice of his employees. Rather than stubbornly insisting that his answers were always the best, he would take his ego out of the picture. He would reflect on the suggestions given by his employees to determine the best possible course of action.
It means you are inclined and willing to receive whatever it is that you need at that moment – data, creativity, a new idea, or whatever. It’s the opposite of being closed minded and stubborn.
People who are receptive are willing to have a “beginner’s mind,” the willingness to learn, even if they are considered the expert. Because they are not defensive, these people have sharp learning curves and are almost always the ones who come up with the best ideas. They are fun to work with and are great team players because they think “outside the box” and consider differing points of view.
He told me, “It made my job so much easier. By being genuinely receptive to suggestions and ideas, rather than shutting them off, I had the advantage of hundreds of brilliant minds working together – rather than having to rely on my tiny little mind.”
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